
News Releases/Statements




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  • Sep 29, 2000

    The U.S. Air Force recently awarded $45 million to The Boeing Company for engineering, manufacturing and development (EMD) of the 500-pound Joint Direct Attack Munition, or JDAM. Boeing will...

  • Sep 28, 2000

    During the next 20 years, the world's freighter airplane fleet is expected to double, with the greatest growth taking place in widebody freighters, according to the Boeing World Air Cargo Forecast...

  • Sep 28, 2000

    When the world moves goods through the air, it is a 19-to-one likelihood that those goods will move on an airplane built by The Boeing Company. Boeing airplanes account for nearly 95 percent of...

  • Sep 27, 2000

    To a large audience of customers, suppliers and employees, Boeing provided a preview in St. Louis today of a revolutionary new weapon system concept called the Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV)....

  • Sep 27, 2000

    The following is a statement by Harry Stonecipher, Boeing president and chief operating officer, on FTC and EC approval of Boeing's acquisition of Hughes Electronics Corporation's space and...