Emergency floats have been cleared for flight duty aboard the new eight-place Boeing MD 600N helicopter, which is entering service around the world. The inflatable flotation system, produced by...
In a simple ceremony attended by the Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy, Admiral Angelo Mariani, the Italian navy Nov. 25 accepted the 13th and final AV-8B Harrier II Plus assembled at Alenia's...
Boeing has been awarded one of three Initial Design Activity contracts by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) for ProjectWedgetail , an airborne early warning & control (AEW&C) system. The contract...
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group confirmed today a previously announced order for six additional Boeing 737-300s by Deutsche BA. Scheduled for delivery the first quarter of 1998 through 1999, the...
Malaysia Airlines, the national airline of Malaysia, today announced it has purchased a Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) -- making it the first BBJ customer in Asia. The announcement was made by Malaysia...