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  • Mar 12, 2000

    After an apparently successful liftoff today at 6:49 a.m., PST, the Sea Launch rocket carrying the ICO F-1 mobile communications satellite suffered an anomaly. The Sea Launch rocket lifted off in...

  • Mar 8, 2000

    Workers at Boeing Wichita this month began joining body panels that make up portions of the lower lobe of the forward fuselage of the first 737-900. The assemblies, shown here, were loaded on the...

  • Mar 7, 2000

    The 100th booster built in this southeastern Colorado facility for Boeing Delta rockets is being readied for delivery to Cape Canaveral Air Station, Fla. "In April 1987, a workforce of 60 occupied...

  • Mar 7, 2000

    The Boeing Company today confirmed that Kenya Airways, Ltd., has ordered three enhanced Boeing 767-400ERS and two Boeing Next-Generation 737-700s, completing its fleet expansion and upgrade plan....

  • Mar 5, 2000

    Having reached an impasse, Boeing today appealed to striking engineers and technicians to return to work under the wage provisions of its third and final contract offer. "We have a tremendously...