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  • Feb 28, 2000

    Boeing announced today the delivery of two 737-400 airplanes to CSA Czech Airlines. Scheduled for arrival in Prague over the past weekend, the airplanes are CSA's sixth and seventh Boeing 737-400s...

  • Feb 26, 2000

    A second round of federally-mediated negotiations between Boeing and the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) concluded today without resolution. The talks took place...

  • Feb 25, 2000

    The Department of Defense awarded Boeing $162 million yesterday for production of the Joint Direct Attack Munition to meet both U.S. Air Force and Navy requirements. JDAM kits for the U.S. Air...

  • Feb 25, 2000

    The Boeing-designed Joint Strike Fighter will fully and affordably complement the F-22 Raptor for the U.S. Air Force. The company's "total-system" approach will modernize the service's tactical...

  • Feb 24, 2000

    The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today established a New Ventures activity in order to leverage the company's global aerospace leadership position into new opportunities, including...