
Boeing Applauds National Research Council Report on the Future of the U.S. Air Transportation System
Report Recognizes Need for System Transformation, Suggests Path Forward

Boeing Air Traffic Management today announced its support for the newly released National Research Council (NRC) report, "Securing the Future of U.S. Air Transportation: A System in Peril," which, among other findings, recognized the urgent need for strong, focused leadership to bring about the transformation of the U.S. air transportation system. Boeing Air Traffic Management was one among a number of Boeing business units that provided input to the report team.

"We applaud the NRC for its efforts in creating this report and for addressing the critical issue of the future of our nation's air transportation system," said John Hayhurst, president of Boeing Air Traffic Management, "because in our view, transforming the nation's air traffic system is fundamental to the health of the aviation industry and the strength of the economy. We believe the findings and recommendations in this report are consistent with those provided by the Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry, amplify the need to establish air transportation as a national priority, and provide a framework for moving forward expeditiously."

The report calls for a multi-agency approach to aviation system solutions, and specifically points out the recently established planning and development office comprising representatives from the FAA, NASA, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Defense and other federal agencies. "Boeing believes that the FAA's Joint Planning and Development Office is an important first step in finding system solutions that meet the performance requirements of the system's users," said Hayhurst.

"Additionally, we support the report's emphasis on the use of modeling and simulation tools in developing a future system, because those tools provide a cost-effective way to validate future concepts before significant investments are made in them," he said.

"Despite the current downturn in air traffic, now is the time to intensify efforts to transform the air traffic system," Hayhurst concluded, "and we stand ready to work with government and industry stakeholders to act on this report's recommendations."

Boeing established its Air Traffic Management unit in November 2000 to dramatically improve air traffic systems throughout the world. Its aims are to make flying even safer and more secure, significantly reduce delays, congestion and environmental impact, keep aviation affordable and accessible for commercial, military, business and general aviation users, and enable seamless global aviation operations.

For further information:
Len Vraniak
Debbie Nomaguchi