The newest Air 2000 757-200 jetliner delivered by Boeing is the first 757-200 to operate out of the United Kingdom with an all-new passenger cabin interior. The interior, based on the award-winning Boeing Signature Interior of the Boeing 777, has curved ceilings and BigBins. The larger overhead luggage bins offer 60 percent more storage space for luggage of airline passengers than exists on earlier 757 models. With the larger bins, it is possible for roll-aboard bags to be stowed in an inboard-to-outboard (wing-to-wing) direction. That means that five roll-aboard bags can fit into one stowage bin as compared to three in earlier 757 models. The stowage bins and sculptured ceiling in the cabin have smoother curves and give passengers a feeling of more open space. Air 2000 operates leisure charter service from its U.K. base and Ireland to locations in the Mediterranean, the Caribbean Cyprus and other holiday destinations.