Forty-six awards were made to suppliers from all parts of the United States as The Boeing Company [NYSE:BA] -- Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Future Combat Systems (FCS) team continued its quest to seek out "the best of industry" for this critical Army transformation program.
Contracts awards went to suppliers ranging from traditional defense contractors to small research firms, and a major university. In addition to the awards made in this second round of proposals, the team also funded extensions to a number of first round contract award recipients.
With more than $50 million of the FCS Concept and Technology Development (CTD) contract funds earmarked for subcontracts, finding the right industry partners has been a significant undertaking for the team.
"One of our key roles, as the lead systems integrator (LSI) during the development phase, has been to bring on board the right partners for the program," said Jerry McElwee, Boeing vice president and FCS program manager. "It is absolutely critical to the success of FCS to have the right domain experts as part of the team."
"I am pleased with the diversity of companies and talent that these contract awards bring to FCS," said Colonel Bill Johnson, FCS program manager for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that, together with the U.S. Army, oversees the program.
"I think everyone recognizes that no one company can do it all," said John Gully, deputy FCS program manager, SAIC. "As the LSI we've been dedicated to the search for companies that can help us meet the challenges we face, both technically and programmatically."
The Boeing-SAIC team was awarded the FCS LSI role in March of this year. The LSI role was strategically important for the Boeing Integrated Defense Systems and Phantom Works organizations, which are jointly managing the program. FCS represents the key step into a network-centric, integrated battlespace market that is part of the company's vision for the future.
The Phantom Works advanced research and development division serves as the catalyst of innovation for the Boeing enterprise. By working together with all the business units, it provides the innovative, breakthrough technologies they seek to reduce the cycle time and cost while improving the quality and performance of their aerospace products and services.
SAIC is the nation's largest employee-owned research and engineering company, providing information technology, systems integration and eSolutions to commercial and government customers. SAIC engineers and scientists work to solve complex technical problems in national security, homeland defense, energy, the environment, telecommunications, healthcare and transportation. With annual revenues of $6.1 billion, SAIC and its subsidiaries, including Telcordia Technologies, have more than 40,000 employees at offices in more than 150 cities worldwide. More information about SAIC can be found on the Internet.
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