U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and industry officials mark a $336.4 million contract option award issued to the Boeing-led team building the Wideband Gapfiller Satellite (WGS) system for the U.S. Air Force. Among those at the Jan. 31 event are, from left, Fred Lakey of prime contractor Boeing Satellite Systems; Lt. Col. Brian Magazu, the WGS program manager at U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center in Los Angeles; Dr. Tom Hopp, chief system engineer, The Aerospace Corp., which supports the Air Force; Christine Anderson, Director of the Military Satellite Communications Joint Program Office; and Phillip Sanchez, Government Procuring Contracting Officer. The team has been designing the system under a $160.3 million initial award received in January 2001. With the recent options exercised, the team has to date been awarded $498.5 million out of a potential total WGS contract value of $1.3 billion.