Officials scrubbed this evening's launch attempt of the Orion 3 satellite due to a problem with electrical ground support equipment resulting in a tripped circuit breaker.
The tripped breaker stopped the required flow of warm gas from being pumped into the rocket's interstage to keep the components at the proper temperatures. In order to reset the breaker, the launch team had to depressurize and remove propellants from the tanks prior to returning to the pad.
Officials scrubbed the launch when they determined there would be insufficient time in the window to complete this protocol.
Boeing is proceeding with plans to launch tomorrow, Thursday, April 22, pending resolution of the problem. The 69-minute launch window will open at 9:03 p.m. EDT.
Boeing and Loral will provide a live video feed beginning at 8:45 p.m. EDT. Ku-band transmission will be carried on: Telstar V, Transponder 17, at 97 degrees West longitude. The polarization will be vertical. The downlink frequency is 12022 MHz. English audio programming will be carried on 6.2 MHz left; Korean audio programming will be carried on 6.8 MHz right.
Loral Space & Communications will own and operate the Orion 3 satellite. The spacecraft will expand the C-band and Ku-band coverage area of Loral's satellite service fleet to include the entire Asia-Pacific region including Korea, China, Japan, Australia, India, Southeast Asia, Oceania and Hawaii.
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