
The Boeing Company Awarded Avenger Slew-To-Cue Upgrade Contract

The Boeing Company in Huntsville, Ala., has been awarded a $5 million contract from the U.S. Army to support the development, production and integration of an Avenger Slew-to-Cue modification kit.

Options worth more than $150 million involve production and contractor logistics support to the U. S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) at Redstone Arsenal, Ala.

The Slew-to-Cue (STC) capability will provide the Avenger system with digital cueing capability, allowing rapid acquisition and engagement of hostile targets.

The Avenger is the U. S. Army's line-of-sight air defense system, and a key element of the U. S. Army's Short Range Air Defense (SHORAD) system. It was deployed during Operation Desert Storm and is currently serving in Bosnia.

"This contract is a significant achievement for Boeing and our employees in Huntsville," said Robert D. Paster, vice president and general manager of the Boeing Autonetics Guidance, Navigation & Control business segment. "We're proud to continue our successful relationship with the U.S. Army (AMCOM) on the Avenger system."

Boeing is the prime slew-to-cue system developer and integrator, with an established team of subcontractors. More than 1,000 Avenger fire units have been delivered to the U.S. armed forces in the past 12 years.

The Boeing team is backed by a mature STC design, outstanding Avenger technical and managerial staff, modern development/production facilities, and a proven, commendable record with its U.S. Army customer.

The Slew-to-Cue program will be performed in two phases: Phase I - design, development, delivery, integration and testing of prototype hardware; Phase II - production of the Slew-to-Cue kits for delivery to the U. S. Army and performance of contractor logistics support.

The program is scheduled to begin in March 1998 and be complete in April 2004.

For further information:
Diane Gonzalez
(205) 461-3101