
Boeing Presents ITHACO Space Systems With 1997 Exceptional Company Performance Award

ITHACO was selected by Boeing for the 1997 Exceptional Company Performance Award from among a national network of Boeing satellite and shuttle program subcontractors and suppliers. Selection criteria included product quality, technical performance, schedule compliance and cost.

This annual award recognizes U.S. companies that provide products and services in support of satellites and America's Space Shuttle orbiter fleet, for which Boeing is prime contractor.

Under Boeing Satellite System Division's Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) IIF basic program, ITHACO will deliver 108 reaction wheel assemblies (RWAs) and 81 TORQRODs, which will provide stability to on-orbit GPS IIF satellites.

The Boeing team -- Rich Arras, Bill Fratzke, Jeff Flagel, Dan Ford and Jose Cabanillas -- recently presented the award to ITHACO during the February GPS-IIF program review. "ITHACO has been a stand-up supplier for us from the start," said Rich Arras, vice president and program director, GPS Programs. "Its staff worked on a very tight schedule and just did an outstanding job for Boeing."

For further information:
Millie Rott
(562) 922-5603