
Boeing Sponsors Polish Graduate Student Scholarship Program

Boeing today announced it has established a scholarship program for Polish students to pursue graduate studies in scientific and technical areas at American colleges or universities.

Developed under the auspices of the Polish American Congress Charitable Foundation, the Boeing-sponsored scholarship program is designed to prepare Polish graduate students for successful careers in Polish professions or businesses that deal with U.S. industry. The scholarships will be used to provide scientific and technical training at American universities and expose the students to American technical culture, said Jean Boyle, Boeing vice president of international business development at the company's McDonnell Aircraft and Missile Systems unit.

"This scholarship program is another example of the Boeing commitment to pursuing a long-term, strategic relationship with the government and the people of Poland," Boyle said. "We believe that efforts to build strong links between the United States and Poland industry and culture will have long-term, lasting benefit for both nations."

Under the scholarship program, Boeing will cover the costs of tuition, books and fees for one student per year for the next three years, beginning with the 1997-1998 school year. The Polish American Congress Charitable Foundation will be responsible for administering the program and will work with Polish academic and other institutions to select the participating student each year.

"Poland's contribution to European security through membership in NATO will require not only modern military equipment but also the technical and scientific 'know-how.' This scholarship program will help prepare future generations of Poles with that 'know-how,'" said Edward Moskal, president of the Polish American Congress.

This is the second joint Polish-U.S. scholarship program undertaken by Boeing this year. This summer, McDonnell Douglas, which has since merged with Boeing, sponsored seven Polish law students in a special Polish-American graduate seminar at Jagellonian University in Krakow.



For further information:
Jim Schlueter
(314) 234-2149